Installation & Setup
Overview of Setting up R and RStudio for the Cognition and Data Visualization Lab
We will use the R programming language to manipulate data and create data visualizations. Although you may have a preferred IDE other than RStudio, my recommendation is to use RStudio. All instructions will assume you are using RStudio. For report documents, we will use the R Markdown language. RStudio projects will be used for managing your work space in order to simplify your working directory and file paths, manage history, and your R Markdown files (e.g., .Rmd) and code script files (.R). These RStudio projects will be version-control projects maintained at a remote repository on Finally, the Git program will be used to communicate with that remote repository.
Setup Structure
- Install R
- Install RStudio
- Create a GitHub account if you do not have one
- Install Git if your computer system needs it (e.g., not installed)