Project Tasks


Gabriel I. Cook


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In order to complete the project, there are different components that can be easily broken up and delegated among team members. During weekly team meetings, team members can discuss accomplishments and progress, and check off tasks. Provided many of you have never taken on such tasks and thought about how to break tasks into smaller bite-sized pieces, a general framework maybe be helpful for you.

Large-Scale Tasks

Some tasks have to be performed in a sequential order but others can be integrated throughout other tasks. For example, describing the motivation of the project, explaining the data and variables used, describing how you prepared the data, presenting findings, etc. are all part of the Report Drafting process. Components can be, and should be, worked on in piecemeal so that they are all not delayed until the end.

  1. Review the project proposal details shared with you in the project /docs

  2. Review any project documents in /docs to understand the structure of the data and identify relevant variables

  3. Schedule to meet with liaison to discuss project in order to formulate a game plan; ask about variables of interest

  4. Outline the project plan and develop a timeline (consider how timeline maps onto course topics)

  5. Read data, clean and prepare data for summaries, visualizations, and models

  6. Merge data parts from team members

  7. Integrate team member sub-goal code files

  8. Finalize report

Report drafting. This tasks can get integrated within the other tasks. For example, delegating tasks, setting deadlines for rough drafts, etc.). Relevant references in /refs can be disseminated, read, and used to prepare the theoretical and conceptual motivation for the project.